Saturday, December 5, 2009

Caga Tió

* An explanation of Caga Tió from Lily to her cousin Hannah *

Hello, Hannah.

I will want to kiss you, Hannah. 

I love you, Caga Tió.

Hello, Hannah.

Hannah's a stinky butt.

This is my Caga Tió in my dollhouse. A Caga Tió is a wood with a red hat on it. He comes from the woods. I made this Caga Tió (No! I'm just tricking you!).

We make him lunch every day. 

He will give us presents in the future on Christmas Day. 

Good-bye, Hannah. I will see you in the future on Christmas time. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gerard's birthday

Today we celebrated Lily's best friend's 3rd birthday. The school lets families use the playground for birthday parties (all you have to do is buy a plant for the school) so that is where we congregated this morning for the usual croquetes, anchovy-stuffed olives, Bimbo bread sandwiches, patatas fritas, and cake....actually two cakes made by Gerard's grandma, who made five cakes in total, three of which were left at Gerard's house for he and his family to eat later...?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Digital native

A colleague is fond of referring to a quote that people born before 1975 are digital immigrants, and those born after 1975 are digital natives.

Lily is certainly a digital native, being three and having Google, Facebook and Blogger accounts of her own.

Some may say it's not safe, that pedophiles will get her. We say, she already likes to tell us about her dreams, what kids are doing at school, her preferred foods and games, and she likes to take photos, so why not spend a few sessions a week, together, journaling those things, in secure places where her friends and family around the world can see and comment on them? If it goes really well, she may find herself a 20-year-old with an amazing journal of growing up. Or, a pedophile might get her.

In any case, here goes nothing.

PS - "Sala Motriu" (sah-la moo-tree-oo), the name of the blog, sort of means "gymnasium" in Catalan; it's literally "movement room". When we built the blog together this morning and had to pick the title, I asked her to think of something she really liked at home or at school. Voilà.